Admissions Process » Admissions Process

Admissions Process

Admissions Priority and Eligibility for St. Francis of Assisi School and Preschool (2025-2026)


The following families will be given priority enrollment consideration to Saint Francis of Assisi School and Preschool in the below order. (Priority enrollment opens every January to the following members.)

  • Current St. Francis of Assisi School students and siblings.
  • Current St. Francis of Assisi Preschool students and siblings.
  • Registered members of St. Francis of Assisi Parish.


Out-of-parish enrollment opens on January 15 and families will be notified about their registration status on March 3. Remaining availability is in the following order:

  • Registered members of other Catholic parishes.
  • Non-Catholic families (based on remaining availability and considered in order of receipt).


Admissions Process


At the time of registration, all new students seeking admission to St. Francis of Assisi School must present:

~Health Records

~Immunization Records

~Birth Certificate

~Baptismal Certificate (Catholic applicants only)

~Report Cards

~Standardized Test Results

~Record of IEP/Accommodation Plan/504 Plan (if applicable)

~Disciplinary/Behavior Reports


Shadow Days for Students Transferring to St. Francis of Assisi School 


  • Students in grades 1-4 must shadow for one school day.
  • Students in grades 5&6 must shadow for two school days.
  • Students in grades 7&8 are only admitted to our school under special circumstances.
  • St. Francis of Assisi School reserves the right to request a student shadow more days than listed above to decide on his/her enrollment status.


Recommendation Forms


All students wishing to transfer in grade 1 or 2 must have their current school administrator submit completed recommendation forms to the Admissions Department.


All students wishing to transfer in grade 3 or above must have their current school administrator and their homeroom teacher submit completed recommendation forms to the Admissions Department. If a student works with an Intervention Specialist, he/she must submit a completed recommendation form.


Transcripts (including disciplinary reports)


Academic achievement, behavior, and punctuality are reviewed when evaluating admission to St. Francis of Assisi School.




Parents/Guardians wishing to transfer a child in grade 1 or above to St. Francis of Assisi School must schedule a meeting with the principal, or her designee(s), for an interview. The student must be present at the interview.


Final Acceptance


Final acceptance of students transferring to St. Francis of Assisi School will be made after a review of school records and other documentation, the student and their parent(s)/guardian(s) have interviewed with the principal or her designee(s) and the student has shadowed at the school (or the equivalent).


Non-parishioners and non-Catholics may be accepted only if there is room. Active parishioners will be placed on the waiting list ahead of non-parishioners and non-Catholics.


Students (new or returning) will be considered registered when all requirements have been met, the tuition contract has been signed, and all fees have been paid.